
NIP 197704292000121002

Specialization: International Law, Climate Change Law, International Trade Law, International Environmental Law and Human Rights Law

Mada Apriandi Zuhir is an Associate Professor of International Law. He is currently Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at Faculty of Law of Universitas Sriwijaya, South Sumatera, Indonesia. Previously, he was the Coordinator of the Master’s Programme in Law Studies. He teaches various courses within the field of International Law. He is also an Editor and Peer Reviewer for Jurnal Bina Hukum Lingkungan (JBHL), published by Perkumpulan Pembina Hukum Lingkungan Indonesia, Jurnal Bina Mulia Hukum (JBMH), published by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sriwijaya Law Review (SLRev), published by Faculty of Law of Universitas Sriwijaya, and Jurnal Dinamika Hukum (JDH), published by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman.
He completed his doctoral studies at Faculty of Law of Universitas Padjadjaran with a research focused on international law and global climate change, attained his LLB (S.H) at Faculty of Law of Universitas Sriwijaya and obtained his MCL from Law and Business School Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia.


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Rapat Kerja Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya Tahun 20242 daysFebruary 23, 2024