Bank Mandiri Need You!!!

Come And Join
Officer Development Program Commercial Banking
Be Part Of Our Journey To Prosper The Nation

General Qualifications:
• Sriwijaya University Graduates (S1) and postgraduates (S2) from relevant fields of studies (economic, technic, etc)

• Grade Point Average:
a. Graduate (S1): a minimum of 2.75 or equivalent;
b. Postgraduate (S2): a minimum of 3.20 or equivalent

• Maximum age for selection:
• 25 years old for Graduates (S1)
• 27 years old for Postgraduates (S2)
• Age not more than 27 years on March 30, 2022

• Fluent in English for both written and verbal communication

• Remain to be Unmarried during the Program (first 1 year)

• Willing to be relocated all over Indonesia

Link :

Mau Kerja, Mandiri Aja!!


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