
Specialization: Constitutional Law

NIP 198306272006042003
SINTA ID : 6066369

Assistant Professor at Faculty of Law, on Department of Constitutional Law since 2006. Born at Yogyakarta, June 27, 1983. As academic background, held degree(s) BA Law from Faculty of Law in Islamic University of Indonesia; BA on Cultural Anthropology at Faculty of Cultural Science in Gadjah Mada University; Master of Art (MA) from Faculty of Social and Political Science in Gadjah Mada University sandwich program with Faculty of Social Science in University of Olso (Norway); Master of Law (LLM) from Faculty of Law in Gadjah Mada.

At Faculty of Law Unsri, lecturing courses such Human Rights Law, Agrarian Law, Anthropology, Political Science, Comparative on Constitutional Law, State Budgeting Law, and Election Law, also courses related on natural resources Law. Previously, has duty as Head of Unit of Research and Community Services in Faculty of Law Unsri, also Editor in Chief of Jurist Concordia, a law journal from research and community services’ works.
Recently, has duty as Vice Dean for General Administration and Finance in Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University. In position as vice dean for general administration and finance, already has a certificate of competence in the procurement of government goods and services at level 1 and also has a certificate of competence in the procurement of government goods and services at level 2 (type C) as a commitment-making official. The certificate of procurement of government goods and services is issued by LKPP.

Being often assigned to prepare draft for regional regulations as well as academic manuscripts for regional regulations draft, she also Certified as a Legislative Drafter (CLD). The certificate of legislative drafter is issued by BNSP.


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Rapat Kerja Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya Tahun 20242 daysFebruary 23, 2024