NIP 198511142015041001
Nurhidayatuloh is Assisstant Professor of International Law, Human Rights and International Criminal Law at Faculty of Law Sriwijaya University. Since 2019, he is a member of Indonesian Association of Scientific Journal Editors (HEBII) and the Council of Asian Science Editor (CASE). Nurhidayatuloh’s research has a focus on International Human Rights Law, International Criminal Law, and Islamic Law. This has led to publications on a wide variety of subjects, ranging from principles in human rights law, international criminal law cases in Indonesia and human rights in Islam. He has supervised numerous undergraduate students and taught many courses at Sriwijaya Law School such as Human Rights Law, International Criminal Law, International Organization, International Law of Treaty, and Diplomatic Law and Consular Relation. Besides, he also has conducted summer school at various universities in the Netherland such as Leiden University and Vrije University. Since 2017, he has been appointed as the Managing Editor of Sriwijaya Law Review, Scopus indexed international law journal owned by Faculty of Law Sriwijaya University. In addition, his career in legal scientific journals is evidenced by his role as editor and reviewer in several international legal journals, such as Hasanudin Law Review, Padjadjaran Journal of Law, Jurnal HAM, Yustisia journal and several other legal journals in Indonesia.