NIP : 197805092002122003
Specialization: International Law, International Contract, International Construction Contract, International Dispute Settlement, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Arbitration, Diplomatic Law, and International Economic Law.
Meria Utama is a Associate Professor in faculty of Law Sriwijaya University since 2002. She obtained Bachelor of Law degree (in 2000) with a specialization in International Law from Sriwijaya University with cumlaude predicate. She continued her Master degree in Erasmus University Of Rotterdam The Netherland in 2004 and graduated 10 months later, then graduated her Doctoral study in Padjajaran University with GPA. 4.0 on August 2020.
Some research funding by ADB, Higher Education Ministry, UGM-ICBC, Sriwijaya University and faculty of law has been done. The research fields are International conflict, arbitration, construction contract, international environment law as well as private international law. Then, she had attended some seminars and become speaker of international conference, and the result written in national joulnal and international journal. She is also a book writer with ISBN namely International Economic Law, The international Contract Law, The Law of Construction Contract, Air and Space law.
She is an active lecturer, while doing her duty in teaching, she also had spent her time in guiding some students activities in ALSA (As founder) and SRIMUN (Faculty Adviser). Several Position has been appointed such as, Vice Dean for financial and administrative affairs of faculty of Law UNSRI (2011-2015), Secretary General of BANI Arbitration Centre Palembang, Secretary of International Law divison (2006-2010), Secretary of Organization Division KADIN (Indonesia Chambers of Commerce) of South Sumatera, and currently she is Head of International Law Division (2021-2025).