NIP : 1983011720091210
Specialization: Mining Law, Agrarian law, Natural Resources Law, Law and investment, law and environment, Law of Forest.
He get his bachelor degree from University of Islamic Indonesia on 2000 and he continue taking master degree in Gajah Mada University 0n 2004, Both with predicate cumlaude. Then, graduated of his doctoral study from Padjajaran University on January 2021.
Before becoming lecturer in faculty of law Sriwijaya University, he was lawyer and also legal officer in MHP forestry. Some positions he had been appointed such as; legal advisor in Procurement division Sriwijaya University (2012 to 2015), Head of Corporation Disivion (2011 to 2013), Law Consultant of UMKM in OI district Government (2019). He is also active in journalistic then become the founder of Faculty of Law Reporters Association (Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa). As the founder, writing is kind of his hobby, therefore he has some articles published both in national and international journal regarding mining law and public welfare, contract, environment, social corporate responsibility.
Some Research has been done and also presented in national and international level mostly regarding coal mining and CSR, He has also written some books with ISBN such as Indonesia Mining Law (2015), Democracy and Public Voting (2015), Corporate Social Responsibility Concept in Mining Corporation in Indonesia (2017), Financial Law in Indonesia (2019).