
NIP 198310142008121002

Specialization: Parliamentary Law, State Sciences, Indonesian Political System, Constitutional Court Procedural Law, and Pancasila.

Dedeng Zawawi, S.H.,M.H was born on October 14th 1983 in Rantau Tenang (South Sumatra). He has been a lecture at Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University since 2010.

Many researches and community service activities have been carried out, and his Legal Opinion has been published in the local and national mass media. Bachelor and Postgraduate Degrees at the Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University. His thesis was entitled “Regulation of Exploration and Exploitation of Natural Resources in Regional Autonomy (South Sumatra Energy Granary Special Study Program). The thesis was entitled “The Decision of the Constitutional Court in Judging the 1945 Constitution”. Currently he is actively teaching, researching, and providing community service as a form of the tri darma of Higher Education at Sriwijaya University