
NIP 196210251987032002

Specialization: Transportation Law, Consumer Law

Dr. Annalisa Y, SH., M. Hum is an Associate Professor of Private Law. She is currently a Program Manager at Magister of Notarial Law, Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University. In addition, she is also an Editor-in-Chief of Sriwijaya Law Review, an international journal of law at the faculty. She teaches various courses within the field of Private Law, namely Intellectual Property Rights, Commercial Law, Private Law, Law of Obligations, Corporate and Bankruptcy Law, Legal Research Methods, and Economic Law.

She completed her doctoral studies at Faculty of Law, the National University of Malaysia with a research focused on Intellectual Property Rights and Transportation Law and she attained her LL.B (S.H) at Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University and obtained her master from Faculty of Law, UniversitasSumatera Utara.

She also has published several works related to her field of expertise both in Indonesia (SINTA Indexed Journals) and abroad (Scopus Indexed Journals). Some of her works are:

  1. The Protection of Consumer Rights for Aviation Safety and Security in Indonesia and Malaysia
  2. Indonesia’s Traditional Knowledge Documentation in Intellectual Property Rights’ Perspective (2018)
  3. Does Judge Has Ex Officio Rights In Determining Mut’ahand Iddah?
  4. Mix-Orientation Marriages: An Analysis on Heterosexual Wife Legal Redress In Malaysia(2018)
  5. Forsaking Equality: Examine Indonesia’s State Responsibility on Polygamy to The Marriage Rights In CEDAW
  6. Is Fiduciary Deed Suitable for Aircraft in Indonesia?
  7. Transboundary Haze-Free for Southeast Asian Countries by 2020: A Delusional Vision?
  8. Aircraft Mortgage in Indonesia: Alternative Object of Material Guarantee as a Debt Settlement
  9. Does Limitation Rule in International and Regional Human Rights Law Instruments Restrict Its Implementation?
  10. Impact of Corruption, Political Instability and Environmental Risk on Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) of Indonesian Banks.