
NIP 195404171981111001

Specialization: International Law

Prof. Dr. H. Acmad Romsan., SH., MH., LL.M. is a senior lecture at Sriwijaya Law Faculty since 1982. At law undergraduate, graduate and post graduate Prof. Romsan is actively giving students supervision writing their thesis. At Undergraduate Programme, for this odd semester, Prof. Romsan responsible for Public International Law, International Contract Law, International Humanitarian Law, Air and Space Law, International Refugee Law, Transboundary Pollution Law classes. While for even semester, he responsible for Public International Law,  International Contract Law, and Air and Space Law.At the Graduate Program he responsible for Human Rights Law and Environmental Law Classes and at Doctorate Program Prof. Romsan responsible for Law Philosophy and Philosophy of Science and Political Development of Law.

Several academic positions to which hewas appointed as The Head of Social and Culture Research CenterSriwijaya University, Research Unit Faculty of Law, and also the Head of the Education and Training of Law Proficiency and was an Editor In Chief of Sriwijaya Law Review.  Several international conference to which he was invited as speaker, likewise in 2020 in Phuket, in (2019) Presenter to the The 6th International Conference onCommunity Development 2019 Organized by the Association of Moslem Community in ASEAN (AMCA) at Wafa Hotel Brunei Darussalam. 23-25 July 2019; (2018) Keynote Speech to the International Symposium South China Sea (SCS)  Security Cooperation, organized by Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China, 15-16 June 2018; (2016) Presenter to the First International Conference on Law, Economics and Education, ICONLEE2016, Bandar Lampung, Nov. 12-13, 2016. Organized by UniversitasMuhammadiyah Metro.