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Dr. Syaiful Asmi Hasibuan, SH. MH is a faculty member in the Department of Criminal Law with a focus on the field of Juvenile Criminal Law. He became part of the Faculty of Law at Universitas Sriwijaya in the year 2024. Obtained his Bachelor of Law (SH) degree from the Faculty of Law at UMSU, followed by his Master of Law (MH) degree from USU. Subsequently, he pursued his Doctoral studies at USU and successfully completed his degree in 2021. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he actively engages in research and community service endeavors, with his findings frequently published in both national and international journals, as well as presented at various seminars and conferences. Syaiful Asmi Hasibuan is often invited as a resource speaker for seminars, discussions, training sessions, and other scholarly events, where he imparts expert knowledge on criminal law in numerous cases. Despite his demanding agenda, he remains dedicated to enhancing his expertise by actively participating in diverse training programs.