
Agus Trisaka was born in Palembang, August 16th 1966. He completed his bachelor of law in Universitas Muhammadiyah. Furthermore, he continued Master of Notary in Universitas Sriwijaya. Beside being a notary, he is also a lecture in the Notary Masters Study Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sriwijaya. He wrote a book with Mrs. Analisa Yahanan which has been published nationally named “Cyber Notary” (Realita and Idealita) published by Unsri Press.

In addition, he wrote several scientific publications published in various journals, including: “Underground Economy” (Perundangan Percukaian di Malaysia dan Indonesia), “Kewajiban Pembacaan Akta Otentik oleh Notaris di Hadapan Penghadap Dengan Konsep Cyber Notary”, “Video Konferensi Dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Berdasarkan Pasal 77 Undang Undang Perseroan Terbatas”, “Kewenangan Notaris Dalam Mensertifikasi Transaksi Elektronik Dalam Rangka Cyber Notary” and “Perlindungan Hukum Notaris Pengganti yang Tidak Mengetahui Adanya Identitas Palsu Dari Para Pihak Sedangkan Notaris yang Digantikan Meninggal Dunia”.

He is actively participating in some organizations like Ikatan Penasehat Hukum Indonesia (IPHI), Anggota Persatuan Advokad Indonesia, and Anggota Ikatan Konsultan Pajak Indonesia (IKPI). He was selected as the Leader of Ikatan Alumni Notariat Fakultas Hukum Unsri in 2011 to 2017. In 2016 to 2021 he was selected as the Leader of law field in Asosiasi Konsultan Pajak Publik Indonesia (AKP2I) and now he is selected as the Leader of Dewan Kehormatan Notaris Kota Palembang.