
NIP 196301211987031003

Specialization: Administrative Law, Investment Law, Treasury Law, and Licences Law.

Saut Parulian Panjaitan (Dr., S.H., M.Hum), is an Associate Professor of Administrative Law. He was a former Coordinator of the Master Programme in Public Notary Law Study. He teaches various courses within field of Administrative Law, such as Administrative Law, Administrative Tribunal, Treasury Law, Law and Politics, State’s Asset Governance Law, etc.

He is also conducted as a part time-expert to the regional government and to the regional house of representative of South Sumatera Province, and others governmental institutions both central and local institutions.

He completed his doctoral (Dr) studies at Doctoral Programme of Universitas Sriwijaya with a research focused on Administrative Law, Investment Law, Licences Law, and Harbour Law, and attained his LL.B (S.H) at Faculty of Law of Universitas Sriwijaya, and obtained his Master of Laws (M.Hum) from Postgraduated Programme of Universitas Padjadjaran.

He wrote a book of Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Hukum (Principles of Legal Theory) printed by Erlangga Publisher (Jakarta, 2021)